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Baby Bottle Campaign

Your leftover change can save lives! A Baby Bottle Campaign is an easy way to use your spare change and can make a huge difference in the lives of new moms and dads. 

Watch Misti's Powerful Story

A Harvest of Hope

When Hope walked through our doors, she was scared - scared to find out she was pregnant, afraid to tell her mom, and fearful of her future.


Since Hope was vulnerable to abortion, we gave her a free ultrasound after her test came back positive. As she quietly observed her baby wiggling on the screen, we watched the beginning of a smile break through. She was beginning to see hope in what felt like a hopeless situation. We talked about her options, and before leaving, she said she felt confident about telling her mom. She left with the picture of her little baby in her hand.

Hope enrolled in our parenting program and is a happy, hope-filled mother.

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fall leaves


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